sika tanking

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Who does tanking with sika 1, we used to do a lot of it, thankfully no comebacks to date, it is very hard work from splatter coat 1 cement to 1 sand with sika at 10/1 to water. second coat later same day ,2.5 to 1 with sika waterproof 10/1 , a scudded coat 3 to 1 one with no waterproofer, the next day we applied a 3.5 to 1 coat with water proofer and flattened and floated this in. Then we were to keep it damp for seven days, not always possible due to other works other trades etc. We would pva it before we skimmed it.. I have not done any for a while now, our builders never wanted the limelite on top as it adds expense though I think it would of been abetter job...
Done a lot of it but like you not recently. Extremely labour intensive and always in dark damp cold places. There's good money to be made in it but immense prices to pay if it fails badly. Witnessed a few jobs gone wrong and had to be knocked off and re-done.
I never understood why basements were waterproofed in this way.

How do the builder fix the services, rads, electrics, etc?
last basement i did i have to give it 2 coats of sikadur32 2 part epoxy, then 2 or 3 coats of sika slurry and about 4 coats of sika1 sand and cement.
needless to say twas a ballache
part of it had to be matched in with exsisting that we had to cut back in layers so you would essentially have a set of steps on the wall to marry each coat into, took fooking ages
It's donkey work alright. Monotonous hand balling of dead mortar layer upon layer. Done underground car parks, underground gyms, pools, shopping centre basements. Did some nuclear waste pipeline pits once. All harnessed up screeding the floors mission impossible style. Dirty thankless work!
It's donkey work alright. Monotonous hand balling of dead mortar layer upon layer. Done underground car parks, underground gyms, pools, shopping centre basements. Did some nuclear waste pipeline pits once. All harnessed up screeding the floors mission impossible style. Dirty thankless work!
Hard on the bones and muscles, need to be gloved up and goggled, sika burns the skin.. it works out expensive too due to the amount of cement/sika/sand needed, the newton system is the way to go..
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