Danny - Nov 3, 2008 #2 Hiya, I am trying out new designs on the side of the fact I want to try and get more advertisers interested. Its not going to effect the forum in any shape. Cheers Danny
Hiya, I am trying out new designs on the side of the fact I want to try and get more advertisers interested. Its not going to effect the forum in any shape. Cheers Danny
N nicksey1401 Guest Nov 4, 2008 #4 i quite like the new look ...good deals on brushes!! just shows how some other sites are dying a slow death and not being able to keep u with the pace
i quite like the new look ...good deals on brushes!! just shows how some other sites are dying a slow death and not being able to keep u with the pace
S Slapiton New Member Nov 4, 2008 #6 am i missing out on something? all looks the same to me  :-[ Click to expand... me to? :-?
B bigsegs Guest Nov 4, 2008 #10 its a time warp!!! i was there a minute ago and now im back here again!! wow!!