skimming instead of taping and filling

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robbie d

New Member
For the last week i have been putting multi finish onto gyproc instead of tapin an fillin, never tried it before but my god it's so easy is it not?
youve been putting gypsum and gypsum together? congratulations
skimmin over plasterboard aye its a piece of piss, never even looked at youtube beforehand. is that what you boys do?
youtube? no way man dont need it, all you need to do is slap on your first coat, then wave a big feather edge across the wall and jobs a goodun, heres a tip, sprinkle 100's and 1000's into your mix to give it a pretty finish. perhaps even some diff coloured swirls of icing also, plasterings as easy as icing a cake, we're all trained bakers here infact, keep up the bakery dude 8)
yeah robbie tis piss easy after 1 week......wait till chippie comes along iam sure he will congratulate you on your work ?maybe time for hard hat etc
Was only really doin it thursday friday to help a mate out, worked well cos it's been peein dow both days.Did a few ceilings and a few rooms downstairs. second wall i did i asked him what he thought and he walked over and slapped water over it and started floating it( he left it worse than it was) think it must have been to flat.Angles were lookin great then we got told the whole doonstairs is gettin coving.Everyone to there own though, hate working inside..
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