slight sag in ceiling

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Private Member
Hi all

If you have a ceiling which say has water damage in one part of it and has sagged. Do you

A pull whole thing down. Reboard and skim
b Rip out sagging area of board. Patch boarding up and re skim entire ceiling
c any other advice?

Option B was looking good to me

Ehat do you lads do. Its in a rental of mine so not pricing it to make money!!
I woudl normally cut out the damaged part of the board and re-board and skim... if you are clever you can set it up so you don't need to bond out the new board :-)
B, if the rest of ceiling isn't too bad.

If the rest of the ceiling is 5hit just take out the damaged area, put 2" strips of board on the exposed joists then overboard the lot & skim:RpS_thumbup:
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