small damp problem, render?

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New Member
hi, im not a plasterer but have done alot of it so im confident in doing things, however iv got a job where there is a small damp patch on bottom of wall, internal wall, the patch has ruined plaster over the last 20 years, the woman who wants the job done wont pay to have DPC done, next door wont pay either so dpc is not being done, she just want a way to repair damaged plaster, and redecorate but to hold back the damp as long as possibe. the house is a 1900s terrace, concrete floor. Anyway i though what would be best way to hold back staining from damp for long as.. i though about S&C render with waterproofer added then skim. but also though about treating wall with a liquid DPM then plasterboard on wall then skim. the area im replaceing is only about 3ftx3ft so was gonna hack all plaster of that area even though the damp is only about 9inch wide and 1ft high (has been for last 20 years, apparently) anyway sorry this post is long but any advise is welcome. thanks.
the reson i though of board was that if the wall and floor was treated with a liquid DPM (preventing damp coming out of wall/ floor) then board adhesive on wall then board, that the damp couldnt get through adhesive to the board as the liquid dpm would stop that. Im i wrong? i know some about damp but im not an expert.
i'd sand and cement metre high, the length of the wall, let it dry, skim it. liquid DPM certainly wouldnt hurt.
use sbr.
give it a couple of coats mixed to a slurry with opc then whilst tacky add sbr guaged sand cement render.
How about a stud wall(tanalised sole plate) set in front,cuts down on the sqm of the room slightly but solves the problem of decoration.Still rather sort the damp properly but if the punter just wants a quick fix then maybe its worth a thought.
Thanks to everyones help, i think ill put liquid DPM on wall, then render then skim. hope that hold damp back., whats the best time to leave render befour skim, 1,2 days? Thanks.
There's a waterproof plaster called izeco (I think). It's done in three coats 8 hours apart, scratch, float then apparently can get a good finish on it. £30 a bag. Check online for stockists
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