Snack time


Well-Known Member
Is it me or does everybody else's kids snack like f**k**g crazy through out the day couldn't believe how much s**t my 7 year old had to snack on it's only since I've been off work I've noticed what he's eating the little f**k*r that will change I'm gunna do the food shop this week instead of the missus
Is it me or does everybody else's kids snack like f**k**g crazy through out the day couldn't believe how much s**t my 7 year old had to snack on it's only since I've been off work I've noticed what he's eating the little f**k*r that will change I'm gunna do the food shop this week instead of the missus
You can play a fun learning game, charge the little un every time he snacks. With interest you're on to nice a little earner.
My lunch today.

I decided against the icing sugar and to have a swastika instead.

Snack time