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Good man, report back after new year, let’s see if you can stay sober
Been sober u to now ,this is good ,and eat well ,just had the odd bud
Hope you get better for the new year. Becouse it like a soap and it getting boring now same story line every day for months and stop calling everybody a c**t . Keep up the good work and a better year for you and hopefully many more to come.
Been sober u to now ,this is good ,and eat well ,just had the odd bud

So what you mean is, you're not as pissed as's as plain as the nose on your face that it's your undoing. Sober up properly and everything else will fall into'll be hungrier, you'll sleep better, you'll have more energy and you'll be more emotionally stable because of it. Drink is truly wicked stuff if you overdo it.
If you fancy a beer Andy, the Heineken 0% ones taste pretty good. Keep a few ice cold in the fridge for when you get the urge.