Some research shows.....

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Hello All,

Right in my line of work I do research in fact I love statistics ect and I like seeing where traffic comes from ect! I have always been told oyu cant improve what you cant measure.

Right so what have I found related to us plasterers?

that you guys are either late or dont turn up at all! How does that happen? I always made it on time and if not I was always on teh phone to explain.

The reputation that spreads have is that they are unreliable....

not here to cause aguements just surprised really- what do tou guys think?

4 different plumbers haven't turned up on a refurb i'm trying to get on with, number 5 is supposed to coming tomorrow, fingers crossed.
I dont get it... we are all self employed if you cant be arsed to start work till 9 tell the customer and not only that apparently teh recession and yet people are turning down worf WTF?

I have also noticed that F*****g backpackers are the same they plead poverty yet you give them work and they dont show up.... pisses me off something cronic!


Rant over


PS Bondi Beach is raging hot today only one whispy cloud in the sky
1 in 6 people is depressed...
1 in every 4 people is a plasterer (allegedly)
theres a calculation that an be done with the previous information that proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that all plasterers are depressing miserable moaning f'ckers and coupled with the fact that the recession is forcing people to underquote themselves, let alone other people, is it any wonder no one can be arsed to get out of bed in the morning?
Chris W said:
1 in 6 people is depressed...
1 in every 4 people is a plasterer (allegedly)
theres a calculation that an be done with the previous information that proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that all plasterers are depressing miserable moaning f'ckers and coupled with the fact that the recession is forcing people to underquote themselves, let alone other people, is it any wonder no one can be arsed to get out of bed in the morning?
Chris W said:
I will give you that!


Ps sorry - the weather is aweful (alll I can say is Brown boobs)
1 in 6 people is depressed...
1 in every 4 people is a plasterer (allegedly)
theres a calculation that an be done with the previous information that proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that all plasterers are depressing miserable moaning f'ckers and coupled with the fact that the recession is forcing people to underquote themselves, let alone other people, is it any wonder no one can be arsed to get out of bed in the morning?
danny we need pics of these brown boobs, it wouldnt be classed as porn, simply holiday snaps!! ;)
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