Soot marks coming back through the lime

John Rraymond

New Member
Hi all,
I want to lime render around my fireplace ready for a log burner to go in.
The fire place at the moment is all exposed brick (old soft brick) but covered in soot that has built up over the years. How and what could I use to clean the black discolouration away so that it won't bleed
back through the lime after a period of time?

Yours in anticipation,
Put a rake of cow s**t in your mix.
That's not a joke.

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If the chimney is dry it may not track through. But I second the s**t comment. Has to be fresh. Whip it up like melted ice cream just s**t and water brush on and let it dry. The cut some into the base coat. Light up a cigar and retire to the Algarve
If the chimney is dry it may not track through. But I second the s**t comment. Has to be fresh. Whip it up like melted ice cream just s**t and water brush on and let it dry. The cut some into the base coat. Light up a cigar and retire to the Algarve
I like a good cigar

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