Sorry PRiCES

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Aye some good comments there! Plastering IS a skill. It IS very tough on the body. And WE are definitely worth good money. Personally, i'm sick & tired of people telling me that another plasterer quoted X amount for lots of metres, which he did in a day!! It's all bullshit. Plastering....GOOD plastering should be done at a reasonable pace. It's nigh on impossible to get speed AND quality!
well said casper,i even had a guy say the other day,"o the price of material must have went up alot since i last bought plaster" i really felt like saying what about my time for picking it up, fuel, wear and tear on van! had to bite my lip!
Agree with above... Too many people want a top quality job for peanuts. Developers always wanting more and more metrerage a day but a top finish to go along with it. I've always stuck to my guns and gone for quality.
i had a random email yestersday of someone called 'adele' something or other... email addy was 'adelewhateveritwas@yahoo'...

question was...
'how much to plaster a medium sized bedroom'..

my answer - 'without seeing it, £200'...

didnt even bother getting back, so, either someone else has come up with something ridiculously stupid and theyve bought it or it was some other dickhead spread on the 'survey'...

what neither of em realise, is that £200 was supposed to be a f'ckin CARROT! :RpS_laugh:
well said casper,i even had a guy say the other day,"o the price of material must have went up alot since i last bought plaster" i really felt like saying what about my time for picking it up, fuel, wear and tear on van! had to bite my lip!

Getting this all the time now from domestic customers expecting everything on the cheap. They all moan about the cost of living going up and rightly so but dont seem to understand that the cost of running a buisiness is not getting any cheaper either. You really do get what you pay for in our game. Seen some poor work this year where the cheapest quote was taken. And these customers wonder why they get ripped off.
I've seen it all this last few years. Blisters in the finished plasterwork, trowel marks galore, cracked beads, artex showing through the finish. All done on the cheap!!! Just last week a guy who knocked back my quote because he found a cheaper spread, called me and asked me to price more work. I said, hang on mate, didn't you manage to get somebody else who was cheaper? He said yes but it turned out to be a disaster. So i went down to his house and he showed me what the so called plasterer had done. It really couldn't have been any worse. No beads on any of the angles, brush marks and plaster not even trowelled in places. He was not happy. I've quoted him for his living room. He wants a really good finish. So he's saving up to get it done properly and he'll "be in touch" ......
So he's saving up to get it done properly and he'll "be in touch" ......

Or.........."That seems alright to me, but I'll just have to ask the wife/husband/son/cousin/whoever it doesn't matter I'm lying through my teeth you aint getting the job we'll get someone far cheaper than that you robbing bastrd"
Aye well, he's already been stung and to add insult to a duff job that's not fit for painting. Time will tell if he wants to use me or take another cheap chancer. I'm not bothered, i actually enjoyed seeing my point proved. Ain't no short cuts in Plastering. And i told him my work is guaranteed.
yep makes you laugh, everyone says wow! you earning £100-£200 a day, must be well rich. I'd love to have your job! I live in a 3 bed semi, just about keeping up with the mortgage. They forget about the skinny weeks and no work most of last two years coz of dislocated shoulder and Easterns taking all the work. At least there seems to be more extensions coz the house selling market isnt moving. "can you do it cheap, coz we're on a tight budget"! yer OK i'll knock the diesel and materials money off shall I and tell the wife we can't buy food this week!
Were skint were on a budget how manymore can you add ?done work on Sunday for a builder I knew he wouldn't leave the scrim and sure enough!I mean were do you get scrim at 8 on a Sunday morning !all for a coupleof pound !my point if it's not the customer it's the builder were doomed lol!!
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