sparaying texture

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is the ritmo the only machine that will spray silicone based texture from a bucket? and if yes is there another machine that will spray mineral texture from a bag?
something like a ritmo will mix and pump(mineral) and also pump(acrylic) in both versions m & xl. With the mineral texture you might want to mix it up first separately and pour it in the hopper.....blonovich will sort you as soon as he sees this! Don't forget you need the worlds beefiest compressor to get a good spray pattern not the onboard comps. Im running the xl at the mo off site supply(single phase) on a 5 storey building with 20m hose on and just using it to spray apply the gear so no messing with tubs out on scaffold etc and then finishing by hand. Well worth investing in a pump that will mono one day and can be used as a pump the next.... cos me and a 17yr old applied 70m of dpr sand coarse in sunshine with the machine which would have been impossible without it, shame the onboard comp desn't quite give the refined spray pattern you need but its not far off and takes next to no flattening afterwards by hand and you can control it at the gun with no messy on/off remote leads to worry about
Goody when you flatten it are you just using the plazstic trowel on it to get it flat or you rubbing up still
Goody you know when you said using a float you're pushing it all flat like a load of snooker balls sat next to each other if you spray it does it leave like this or is it heavier? Do you ever get asked about it by site agents etc
like the way you describe that sponk - snooker balls pushed flat next to each other lol its right tho thats what you want no grains on top of another,
Yeah bit lame the snooker balls analogy but it's exactly right ha. A standard comp of say 200l/min off a machine will spray it too heavy to just leave it like that. It's more a medium tyrolean type pattern with random blobs in it. You need more air to blast the particles apart so that it's fierce enough to literally bounce back off the wall. This is what you need for a spray & go pattern up at 360 - 400l/min.
This pattern is two balls or so high so isn't as flat as hand applied but it's more importantly UNIFORMLY two balls high. This is what makes it just about the most perfect finish you can get if done well as there is no rubbing or joint lines at all. It is a matter of taste though and is best agreed before that the client is happy with it otherwise hand finish it.
Cool it was goodys idea the snooker ball thing not mine jife lol do you spray the topcoat in bands goody?
sound I spoke to bloner today about this too, I am sort of understanding now how it will go but think i will jump on with bloner next timew he textures
monday brother, get down here for sunday night, straight to the job in t morning see it done and make tracks back monday afternoon. job more wondering how to do it .....or tuesday it will be done after that day.
all id say is you got to be the worlds fussiest bstard in general with ur masking, spray pattern etc or it can look sheit. No spunk not bands the lab did that bless him yesterday and he got shouted at it's a wide circular tyrolean pattern......looks a bit G** when ur doing it like swinging round ur big dick init ha
We were chatting about it today it's pointless anyway if you've got 4 drops of scaffold you'd need 4 g5's to stop day joints........ Should've got a ritmo
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