Spat on a pole

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Private Member
For those of you with spat on the pole from refina. What size ceilings do you justyfy using it as im sure you dont use them on little jobs?
Use mine to flatten lounge sized ceilings, still finish with a trowel especially round the edges.They speed things up leaving more time at the end of the set for troweling up.
When I seen the title of this thread I thought you had been fighting with one of our eastern european friends...............
can anyone explain this? When flattenin in with a trowel you pull backwards. Maybe forwards. When pulling back with the trowel you can see any misses in front of the trowel . You can see the misses. You then fill the miss with a side movement of the throwel and then move on. How can you do this if your dragging a spat in only one direction on the ceiling. How do you fill the misses and hollows?
Shouldn't get that many either use the spat with gear on it or use you're trowel tbh If I wad 2 coating I wouldn't use it to flatten the second coat just the first
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