Speedy meter -carbide meter for damp diagnosis

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New Member

Has anybody actually used these things?
I have seen an increase in these being used by surveyors claiming that this is the answer in rising damp diagnosis.
My gaffa will use 1 on request. But it involves drilling holes to get brick dust.

It proves nothing only the moisture content of the brick. Not how it got there.
Hello and alreet to Sir Fatarm

Hello Carlos, yes it only shows the total moisture content. It is not recommended on site as a complete diagnostic tool, to be more quantitative you should take double the samples and do off site work to complete a full profile!
You need to know the moisture content of the sample and the hygroscopic moisture content separately.
It's weird how some of the industry promote it as good practice when it's not.
It's a shame that there are the commission based sales man ripping people off. Unfortunately people believe that a free survey is good enough. It's impossible to do a free survey and I always tell people you get what you pay for. There will always be work for the bottom feeders though
All I do now is survey unfortunately, I started on the tools and thats where I had the most fun. Couple of months ago had a week on the tools as we had to get a job finished as we were way behind.
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