spongefloat on painted walls already been skimmed or artes ?

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New Member
Hi guys i have bought a spongefloat just in case 1 day it gets ahead of me and i can pull it back , i have been reading through all the old posts about using a spongfloat , i noticed people using it on plasterboard , but i'm not sure if it can be used on skimmed walls that have been painted ? , and artex i have always 2 skimmed i don't think you can float artex ?i could be wrong ? as you need enough to cover the artex

Sorry to bring up the question again i just wanted to know what surfaces can be sponged i'm cuious and might give it a go on a small wall.
id say that if the wall is flat like its just been boarded then skimmed and painted i couldnt see why not, i do domestic work and it would be impossible to sponge over most of the walls i get to do either it be artexed or not
Personally ive never sponged but Spunky does it all the time and from what I can gather its generally new plasterboard that requires sponging for slower spreads who can't handle proper plastering.
We have found a use for the speedskim the last couple of days, we have been sparring and it comes in handy protecting the windows when you are throwing but apart from that :huh:
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