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One thing that really annoys me about our country is the amount of able people still on the dole...when you are working on large jobs for a couple of months you notice them, sitting around doing f**k all. Just watching you working, sitting in the sun with a can of cheap larger in hand.

Sometimes they have the cheek to come up and talk to you...had a few on my last job, when will it be finished, looks lovely, do you think the landlord will accept people on benefits...no f**k off!
Did some flats years ago and all day you'd get tracksuit wearing lazy bastards going to & fro the shops with their fags and beers. Some days they'd be on crutches, which was probably the day they signed on, but most of the time they were walking as good as the rest of us. I f**k**g hate them b*****d oxygen thieves.
I think its a pretty simple fix, if your down on your luck and need help off the state then thats fine, sign on and do some sort of community based work for it. Clean the streets, help out in charity shops, do jury service so actual working people don't need to. Generally do something to justify the help until your on your feet. My old man is a pisshead and he gets £250+ a week in benefits and a rent free flat. f**k**g disgusting.
Plenty of them here in Ireland too.When I'm driving home from work I see them outside the local pub smoking,no shame or pride whatsoever.
Yup makes me think who is the fool ...

My step mum has ms & because she bust her balls so to speak ! making a living paying her tax
Her care bill cost her £600 a month out of her own pocket !!
Leaving her fook all to live on !!!
Exactly, systems all geared wrong if you've worked hard to get a few quid ur owed nothing when it goes tits up. If you scab through life you can live next door practically free
I think tax credits are the only positive benefit, to top up low incomes. At least people are working...although people are taking the piss out of that now saying they are doing 40 hour weeks self employed, when they are doing f**k all. Don't know why I've noticed it more...maybe it's just because they all come out of the woodwork in the summer....when you graft your tits off 12 hours a day 7 days a week it infuriates you.
Exactly, systems all geared wrong if you've worked hard to get a few quid ur owed nothing when it goes tits up. If you scab through life you can live next door practically free

Yep seen this myself with a m8 who'd worked all his life, claimed nothing ..... set up on his own as a change but got knocked and went under .... did he get anything from the dss .... did he f**k ...

Joke this country from top to bottom ....... lets face it any of us do what the govt did with expenses we go to prison and lose everything .... lookin for a way out of the UK again myself.
We do a lot of refurbs in a crappy area of Bristol that's slowly becoming popular now, we get p!ss heads just walking in asking if we want a hand. And everyone says they used to be a plasterer.
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