Spots/dots on new plastered ceiling and walls


New Member

This is my first post.Any advice/comments/suggestions would be very helpful.

We've had the artex plastered over last Saturday and all of it seems to be dried but we are getting spots/dots around the ceiling and wall, pictures attached. We have not started on the base coat as we are not sure what these dots are. Does anyone know what could be causing this or if it needs to be treated?

Thank you


  • Spots/dots on new plastered ceiling and walls
    22 KB · Views: 311
  • Spots/dots on new plastered ceiling and walls
    21.2 KB · Views: 286
  • Spots/dots on new plastered ceiling and walls
    20.6 KB · Views: 360

This is my first post.Any advice/comments/suggestions would be very helpful.

We've had the artex plastered over last Saturday and all of it seems to be dried but we are getting spots/dots around the ceiling and wall, pictures attached. We have not started on the base coat as we are not sure what these dots are. Does anyone know what could be causing this or if it needs to be treated?

Thank you
Possibly nicotine stains.
You can get that in old kitchens as well due to oily deposits from cooking and nicotine as has already been mentioned.