Stud work advice

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Alright lads,

Got a small bathroom to skim next week and the chap wants me to build a small cupboard, floor to ceilig about 3ft square in the corner of the room - Was just planning on doing it with timber and then boarding - What size timber should I be using - 4x2 cls ??

i'd use 3x2 rough cut mate, reason is 3"+1/2"+1/2"+(1/8" skim) x2 = a 4 1/4" door liner...
assuming your just gonna hang a standard door in it..
cls timber is ex the size given, i.e its planed all round and doesnt end up at 4x2 at all when you buy it.. more like 90x42mm
3x2 rough cut is fine as long as you get if from somewhere that doesnt leave it out in the yard so its soaking wet and warped all over..
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