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New Member
Hi all,

The TPF twitter page followed me, didn't even know us plasterers had a forum! so thought I would join up and see what's going on. I've been plastering since 2009 (college for 3 years) in 2012 me and my mate tried to go self employed, lasted a year, we really didn't know how to get any work! So gave up in 2013 tried going down a different path but nothing really caught my eye so I decided after Christmas to finally get my CSCS card (passed the test on Monday) get my van and go out on my own. Never been on site before so haven't a clue if anyone will take a gamble on me! (only 21 years old)

Well anyway that's my story, look forward to exploring the site a bit more and seeing what's happening

I was a big fan of the duke, get off yourhoss and drink your milk
Just glad you didn't take offence thinking I was insinuating you was a cowboy lol :RpS_laugh: I love the original true grit film and his wild eye stares always crack me up :RpS_thumbup:
I was raised when Western movies were all the rage, john Wayne, jimmy Stewart etc, bonanza trail, used to read the little cowboy gunfighter stories
I was raised when Western movies were all the rage, john Wayne, jimmy Stewart etc, bonanza trail, used to read the little cowboy gunfighter stories

We watched westerns growing up, my mum loved Clint Eastwood so got brainwashed watching those. Got the box set of them now along with the dirty harry collection! Great actor and now director of course eastwood :RpS_thumbup:
Big Charles Bronson fan too , loved all the baddies getting shot,Edward Woodward did a similar theme in the equalizer ,if you are old enough to remember, used to love the new avengers.
I'm not much younger than you John lol, I remember Bronson I loved Death Wish Films and he did one with James Cogburn called Street fighter that was good. :RpS_thumbsup:
Welcome mate, Send me your number etc or email and I contact you Monday, have a chat see what we can do for you .
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