Testing artex ceiling anyone???

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New Member
just wanting to know if when you are dealing with artex ceilings wether you're over boarding the ceiling, pulling it down or even just scraping the high points off to plaster over the ceiling. Do you get the ceiling or wall tested for asbestos.
I work for the local council and at the minute we are having lots of training about asbestos and recentley found out that it was only year 2000 when they stopped using asbestos.
so if you don't mind could you leave a message so i can see your veiws on this subject.
what do the council advise quinny..........for example if we had to scrape an artex ceiling and the customers were still inside the house?
spunkybum said:
what do the council advise quinny..........for example if we had to scrape an artex ceiling and the customers were still inside the house?

basically if we get a job which involves breaking through artex we get in touch with an enviromentilist service to come out to the job and take a sample of the artex who then take it to a lab to see if it contains asbestos. if it does our supervisors basically pass this job on to contractors who don't know the facts about this at all which i think is totally wrong. And as far as the customer goes only the minority knows actually why all this is happening.
The correct way of dealing with this is to test the ceiling and if it contains asbestos the people who live in the property should be advised to leave the building same goes for workers and then a company who specialise in removing asbestos then seals off the property to remove the asbestos from where it is contained.
You should read up on this because there are numerous amount of places this could be in. And after watching a video about someone who was affected by this i take this very seriously now.
TrowelADDICT said:
does it cost to get them tested

its our supervisers who deal with getting the company in to test them but wouldn't think it wouldd be a major cost. but at the end of the day you can't put a price on life can you?
what would you do if you had a private job and had to take a stipple of an artex ceiling?
I have done alot of council work in the past, They dont seem to care.... especially when you say a ceiling is fooked and it needs overboarding they say just skim it!!

They would send a surveyor round who had no idea then say yeah it will be fine.... the joy!!

quinney, lets just say your very lucky that your council care..... about the workers and the people in the area, because my council wouldn't do that.

i expect one day there will be some sort of law, where by you have to get it tested before u can start work

a friend of my is a sparky and he said in the past he has used a paint which detected asbestos.... if the paint changed colour, it ment it had asbestos..... any1 else heard of this paint
sounds like asbestos is in everything..... they made from the 50's onwards
might look for a new job.... ha ha ha
British Gypsum used to recommend: PVA-coat of bonding-skim, I don't know if that's still the case, but it's got to be cheaper than getting the asbestos specialists in.
did you know more people die from this than road accidents i think i read its as high as 20 construction workers a week the hse do a pack which tells you all about it
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