what can I say?
firstly, JRP, I agree with you, she does like it fast, and so did her mother but that is another story:razz:
I also notice ~"bubbles" liked your post, is this a response to wit or comradery ?
All I can say bubbles is this
"If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall in the ditch." think on, twas the lord himself, Jesus Christ.
Probably time to put this to bed now, I agree but before I do:
Nisus, you I feel have been the star of the show and thank-you for your input and willingness to learn sunshine.
Beddy, you need to pay more attention and stop getting distracted, your disruption has been uninspiring.
JRP, you f****d it up for us all, but I see some remorse, well done it is always the under achiever that sometimes comes good.
Clayman, I would really like to give you more credit, but you let the side down.
Nsp, what happened? little input.
Fatarm, you started out and the going was good, however the tiling question blew it, C- for you.
Artissan, you seem to have a rather "woodstock persona", little but sometimes intelligent injection, cool .
If I missed anyone my apologies.
Check out the apprenticeship post if you need a little extra help funding guys.
Rock on !