The apprentices work

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Thought I would post some pics of the young lads work I left him this morning to skim a bedroom. Not bad if I do say so :coffe: The apprentices work The apprentices work The apprentices work @Billy-joe
I was thinking of gettin my bedroom done in that pattern ....

Only kiddin decent work for apprentice
They think there beyond what there paid for some reason.
Experience is key.
I always say to my young ones I can pay a little more for 3 times as much so no!
Fair play, it took me 2 years until my old boss started letting me lay on decent stuff, I was always under the stairs or in a cupboard!
It's funny Cus he better at putting it on walls than mixing haha he is very keen all ways googling and reading up at night wanting to extra work.

I have got him to do a project 6 weeks ago due on Monday on every job we have been on to include pictures, case studies, materials etc etc in a portfolio formate, looking forward to the road tbh
Funny you say that I've just advanced to the walls that get tiled over or units put on!
Alright stop showing off, Billy big b*ll***s!!!
Been told I can start that after Xmas, providing I do cupboards from start to finish without any help!

Still £1ph easy money!!!
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