efc plastering
Met an old spread today, must be in his mid 60's .He asked where i'm from so i tells him and he said did you go to such and such a school ,"yeah i did" i said.so he tells me a story when he worked on my old school.he was having a break one morning when the clerk of works walks into the room and has agood look around and points at one of his walls and says "did you do that" he says "yeah" the clerk says "pack your tools away and get off site your work is too rough" so the spread says "thats not fair theres rougher work than that here"so the clerk says "if you can show me rougher work than that you can stay"the spread takes him upstairs into another room and points at the walls.the clerk has a good look and says "youre right who effin done that" and the spread says "me" had me in stitches. speakin of spreads does anyone know vinny doyle from manchester and lenny "leadpipe" robbins from plymouth worked with them 15 years ago in koln germany and lost touch ,thanks lads