the past


Well-Known Member
1.first pay packet, £15.00 for a 40 hour week,
2.every thing mixed by hand using a plunger/shovel, no electric mixers , how those labourers managed to keep 2 plasterers going all day,
3. no big yellow buckets, rubber or metal,
4. every plasterer on site wore overalls,
5.leave site every friday, few pints then back to work,
6.picked up every morning in the van for a 40 minute trip to site, everybody smoked, not good for us non smokers ,
7.main conversation during the day was horse racing/darts/football/complained non stop when price of a pint went up to 50p,
8. on site bookie , placed bets with him, payout next day,
9. carlite browning , and my personal favourite jute scrim cloth, oh how i laughed when it wrapped itself round your face/head. called boy from day one, boy get this, boy get that,
11. once questioned why they called it a handboard, ......... bad move, never raised the subject again,
12. no fckin mobile phones.
My first proper job when I left school was an apprentice service engineer for maritime engineering company.
If I wasn't working away and at the factory alot of the lads went to the pub across the road for a pint and game of darts/pool at dinnertime.
Wouldn't get away with that now H&S.
1.first pay packet, £15.00 for a 40 hour week,
2.every thing mixed by hand using a plunger/shovel, no electric mixers , how those labourers managed to keep 2 plasterers going all day,
3. no big yellow buckets, rubber or metal,
4. every plasterer on site wore overalls,
5.leave site every friday, few pints then back to work,
6.picked up every morning in the van for a 40 minute trip to site, everybody smoked, not good for us non smokers ,
7.main conversation during the day was horse racing/darts/football/complained non stop when price of a pint went up to 50p,
8. on site bookie , placed bets with him, payout next day,
9. carlite browning , and my personal favourite jute scrim cloth, oh how i laughed when it wrapped itself round your face/head. called boy from day one, boy get this, boy get that,
11. once questioned why they called it a handboard, ......... bad move, never raised the subject again,
12. no fckin mobile phones.

Simple times - good times.
Times when the average working man expected less from life. If we had all stayed like that then the elites wouldn't have felt the need to wage war on us. It's our fault.
The average working man worked like a dog to provide and try to hav better for his family. Never really got time to appreciate life. Religious and royal fuks leaching money of him constantly. Nowadays there's more incentive for folk not to work.
The average working man worked like a dog to provide and try to hav better for his family. Never really got time to appreciate life. Religious and royal fuks leaching money of him constantly. Nowadays there's more incentive for folk not to work.
Oh I agree with you, but those in charge suddenly realised that they'd allowed us to much opportunity to improve our lives and ultimately give ourselves more options. They don't like us having options as to how to live our lives.