things that p.i.s.s u off about skimming

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Private Member
just courious what p.i.s.s.e.s u off about skimming....... here are a few of mine.

1. sometimes when i pick the hop-up up it hits the wall. ahhhhhh
2. also somtimes if im in the right place. ill pick the hop-up and all the bits on the top of the hop-up go in the mix...... that really pisses me off. i feel like going home after that.
3. why that when ever i mix up there is always a bag of multi on the mixer cable.
4. i droped the electrical plug from the mixer in the bucket of water yesterday and nearly did to day aswell ???.

whats p.i.s.s.e.s u off.
Getting it in my eye.
Argueing with the missus when i bring the dust into the house afterwards.
doing reveals.
making a mix up and being a hawk full short of finishing the set.
Spray bottle nozzle bloked (again)
And the biggie scrim not sticking!!!!! this drives me fcking insane with anger. they can put astronaughts in space but cant get f u c k ing scrim to stick lol
scrim that dosnt stick......ahhhhhhhhhh. and what with that 1 bit at the end that dosn't unravel off the roll.
if the scrim doesnt stick, put it on a halogen light for a few minutes, warms the glue up and itll stick like s**t to a blanket.
this happend to me the other day... when laying on a ceiling. i managed to nick the scrim and the one strip come down with plaster all over it. :'( :'( :'(
Ask the moderators mate !!! they might give you a star.nice tip though.
I can see how it would work with out even trying it out.

I tell ya ive tried every scrim known to man and they still fail sometimes,whenever i got the time ill put a pissy coat of finnish over them before i skim em.
back to the old methods!!
i've found the best stuff is the silver scrim, don't know where you'd get it from as we use an independant merchants in coventry.
Hanging about too long for the poxy pva to go tacky.And when the roll of scrim gives you grief by leaving the edge of the strip in a coil >:(
another tip for that matt, just put a knife on the side of the scrim and press it into the roll, then when you use it it will just stay on the rest of the roll.
That line of scrim that decides it doesnt want to be with his mates and just unravels off the side of the roll, so you spend 5 mins trying to cut it off and catch it up only for the little f*cker to do it on the other side of the roll.

Errant pieces of grit that arrive from no where that you drag 5 foot up your wall before you notice it was there.

A hollow that you should have seen but didnt untill you virtually finished, even though it was at eye level right under the light and had arrows pointing to it and flashing lights and a sign saying I'm here....and you still somehow didnt spot it.

A bit of scrim showing through right on the final trowel even though it wasnt there 10 minutes ago.

The fact you cant sit down and have a brew with the other trades cos you know the wall is setting
nelly said:
That line of scrim that decides it doesnt want to be with his mates and just unravels off the side of the roll, so you spend 5 mins trying to cut it off and catch it up only for the little f*cker to do it on the other side of the roll.

Errant pieces of grit that arrive from no where that you drag 5 foot up your wall before you notice it was there.

A hollow that you should have seen but didnt untill you virtually finished, even though it was at eye level right under the light and had arrows pointing to it and flashing lights and a sign saying I'm here....and you still somehow didnt spot it.

A bit of scrim showing through right on the final trowel even though it wasnt there 10 minutes ago. on...can't think of anything else.

Apart from bits in the mix, when laying on.

Getting plaster anywhere on my hands or between fingers, I wear a glove now.

The fact you cant sit down and have a brew with the other trades cos you know the wall is setting on...can't think of anything else.

Apart from bits in the mix, when laying on.

Getting plaster anywhere on my hands or between fingers, I wear a glove now.
getting some on my trowel handle does my nuts in i have to throw it all back on the spot and wash it off!
;DYea deff plaster on the hand that has to come straight off and the poxy pva again that has to come staight off ;D
not skimming i kno, but hate wen u lay a load of tiles on a friday like i did last friday onli to come in after the weekend and see the dopey customer has gone and walked over them 2 early wen i specifically told them not to,,,resulting in all the corners dipping and leaving lips in places.and theres me trying to hack them out to relay them rather than carrying on where i shud be.... arghhhhhhh
Oh.......... oh............ got a good un!

F*ckin nail in the wall that you never spotted and you tw@t your trowel on it which ends up with a nick in so small the Huble telescope couldnt spot it if you actually put your trowel on the huble telescope's lens

but that nick causes ten million lines in your wall anyway >:(

Oh got another............... your troweling away and for some reason your trowel bottoms out (goes flat to the wall) and stops dead!

It doesnt matter what you do now, carry on, go backwards, or lift off gently.......

you know full well a big chunk just gets pulled right off the wall, and it stays showing all the rest of the trowelling session no matter what you do with it.
domestic jobs gettin ur dust sheet stuck under the doors wen going in or out with a hawk full or something occupying ur hands.or u try to move ur hopop along with ur foot while u have hawk and trowel in hands and the legs just buckle and it falls over..missing the deal wen ur cross trowling a big ceiling if u have it decked out fall rite thru scrapeing ur inner thighs youch..
jay88 said:
domestic jobs gettin ur dust sheet stuck under the doors wen going in or out with a hawk full or something occupying ur hands.or u try to move ur hopop along with ur foot while u have hawk and trowel in hands and the legs just buckle and it falls over..missing the deal wen ur cross trowling a big ceiling if u have it decked out fall rite thru scrapeing ur inner thighs youch..

Yep, good call on the door/dust sheet thing!

these days I find its easier to take the door off, it takes about 2 mins to do and is well worth it.
yeah the dust sheet under the door >:(
& Customers coming in & out every 5 mins & you have to keep putting the dustsheets back when they've f u c ked off
Some t w a t customer steamstripping the kitchen Walls when your skimming the dining room ceiling
& there's an archway inbetween & room ends up like a sauna???
When someone says: A QUICK SKIM> >:(
when you rip a lath & plaster ceiling down & your just about to start boarding & customer says her electrician is on his way in a bit to drill through joists & put new cables in for 9 halogen spots, & you end up hanging round for over an hour >:( f u c king great, never mentioned that when i priced it, ya bi tch! ???
Oh & did I mention CUSTOMERS! (oh they pay us though don't they) ;D

Stickiest tape i find is thistle protape.
What about leaving your bucket too long you have to wash it out with the hammer >:( then you go and bust a hole in the c##t :'(
steve_cov_spread said:
if the scrim doesnt stick, put it on a halogen light for a few minutes, warms the glue up and itll stick like (german word) to a blanket.
or bung it in the customers microwave for a minute or 2 ;D

(make sure you get permission from the customer before you do this children ;))
on domestic jobs, if you sheet up and theres a 10mm square thats not been covered, or theres a small hole in the sheet. you know theres a blod of skimm gonna land on it, its sods law!
other annoying things... that area of render that keeps falling out over and over agen and just wen u think uv got it sussed it falls out as ur about to leave off site and all ur gear has been cleaned up...

that other tradesman watever muppet it is who keeps walking past and putting hand marks or clothing marks on ur wet walls as they walk thru but never ever own up to it even tho there ass in all pink and the hands are white...

labourer knocks the external render with a broom wen clearing up but doesnt tell u about it,just assumes it will go away and no one will notice then u look a rite plank wen u go to get ur money from the customer later on...

theres so many plastering niggles that rfeli grind on us all im sure
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