Thinking of buying a spray machine to spray multi any advice?

Why in this age of tech can't you get a small machine sat in the middle of a room with short hoses that can fire on 5 to 6 bags of multi in 15 minutes. Would ideal for a 2 man gang without all the wear and tear on the body. Even if it didn't mix, it would not matter.
Which ones mate, give me a call tomorrow, I’ll have something for you
Thinking of buying a spray machine to spray multi any advice?

If you've got them I'll give you a ring tomorrow and get one
Why in this age of tech can't you get a small machine sat in the middle of a room with short hoses that can fire on 5 to 6 bags of multi in 15 minutes. Would ideal for a 2 man gang without all the wear and tear on the body. Even if it didn't mix, it would not matter.
Because there’s a lot of folks well out of touch mate in plaster world, a lot are to old, and there’s a political agenda too if you think about it with machines and the makers of plaster and now it’s probably to late they all missed the boat as the robot will be the future
Thanks for sorting it and looking after me Ryan,
It's getting delivered straight to site tomorrow so I'll give it a whirl(y)
It arrived today Ryan just as I finished meshing sod's law, they look and feel really good at first I thought you had sent me an empty box as there so light.
Why in this age of tech can't you get a small machine sat in the middle of a room with short hoses that can fire on 5 to 6 bags of multi in 15 minutes. Would ideal for a 2 man gang without all the wear and tear on the body. Even if it didn't mix, it would not matter.
Yeah great take all the skill out of the job so any joey can do it