This is what is wrong with the industry

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I was reading that someone I know who has been on the tools about a year has just taken on an apprentice..... wtf??

This is what is wrong with the industry the blind leading the blind... he may be a good/ok skimmer but what the hell? I feel sorry for the person he is going to try and train
This is what I have to compete against..........................................


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I was reading that someone I know who has been on the tools about a year has just taken on an apprentice..... wtf??

This is what is wrong with the industry the blind leading the blind... he may be a good/ok skimmer but what the hell? I feel sorry for the person he is going to try and train

And is your time served friend a product of a weeks gold/silver/bronze trowel course or was he taught properly?.
He might call it an apprentice but actually it's just cheap labour maybe.

It will definitely be an apprentice, which isn't cheap labour, it's free. There are grants available now which are quite attractive to some and as with the YTS etc back in the day, some youngsters will get a start and learn a trade, but sadly most will just be grist to the mill for the unscrupulous wanting slave labour.
It will definitely be an apprentice, which isn't cheap labour, it's free. There are grants available now which are quite attractive to some and as with the YTS etc back in the day, some youngsters will get a start and learn a trade, but sadly most will just be grist to the mill for the unscrupulous wanting slave labour.
That's what I meant by it
It's a sign of times Danny. You can learn anything on YouTube now. I've just built a extension in a few days after learning bricklaying on there. Did the brakes on my van after watching youtube as well. Of he's apprentice he must also go to college for a day a week?
Last lab I took on poured powder into bucket first then the water.. after being shown 50 times.

A sloth whos had a stroke is the only way I could describe him.

Its amazing how another person can bring the god of anger out of you.

Got to the point after 3 weeks I was fuming just looking at him.
Last lab I took on poured powder into bucket first then the water.. after being shown 50 times.

A sloth whos had a stroke is the only way I could describe him.

Its amazing how another person can bring the god of anger out of you.

Got to the point after 3 weeks I was fuming just looking at him.
Sloth who's had a stroke. Pmsl! :D
  • [QoUOTE="Danny, post: 891498, member: 1"]Lol no comment :-/[/QUOTE]
Its actually quite clever really.
This person we'll call her Martha to protect his real identity does a 1 week course instead of paying the extra for an advanced 2 week course then hires/gets for next to nowt a apprentice who he sends to college who every friday comes back and shows 'martha' what hes learnt that week thus filling in the massive gap in 'martha' time served skill set.
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There's a few like that round here.

Done there collage course, parents buy them a new transit and suddenly they got there own business. Its funny when you see them sweat skimming over the top of old stuff
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