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since ive started plastering my thumbs and fingers are alot stiffer now and sometimes quite sore. is there anything i can do to prevent this, apart from not plastering.
I assure you it will get less painful ;) well i dont think it gets less painful you just get used to the pain, its my knees at the moment thats giving me grief :(
i take fish oils by the bucket load meant to be good for joints, or so they say. its probably something they made up, so i keep buying them. ;D

the things people do for money ::)
u can allways get the lab 2 start on the trowling....i find itsz the washing out that does it 2 me..all that plaster in the water gets 2 ya..
since ive started plastering my thumbs and fingers are alot stiffer now and sometimes quite sore. is there anything i can do to prevent this, apart from not plastering.
do you get the claw hand foookin hate that painfull as fook
sounds just like the problems ive been having .... i went to see the doctor then a specialist found out its carpal tunnel syndrome apparently it very common for plasters to get this sort of problem.

Start with mild burning in hands and numbness slowly getting worst,also can get joint problems and weakness to hands and wrists.
Get it checked out son
i started having problems soon after starting to plaster, can only describe it as trigger finger, doctor gave me some anti inflamatary tabs but they didnt work, gad an x-ray to check the joints just incase, not been back since, should really as its sometimes quite painful and takes about an hour or 2 for my fingers to fully losen up, and im only 23!
try wearing gloves - do a search for work gloves - you can cet some that are easy to work in and they protect ur hands -- i wear them always

i get that claw hand thing as well... its god damn awful, your fingers just bend round and you cant straighten em up! its like cramp!! and i bin plasterin on and off for 20yrs.. but its only just started happenin, i find the best thing for it is about 20 beers...
a think its from grippin the trowel to tightly a normally wake up in the middle of the night with painfull cramp in my hand fookin hate it
now thats just out of order!!!! ;Dsayin that theres plenty of links on here that you could go to they must think plasterers are a bunch of pervs :D ;D ;D
its from bein on here, clickin the mouse all night...what did you think i meant?? :D
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