I was going to fill them because that's what he wanted. He wasn't interested in my advise. It just went straight over his head. Works tight in Manchester at the minute so I thought **** it, i need the work so I'll do it the way he wants or I'll loose it. I Didn't end up doing it anyway! Gave him a price to fill in the holes, got there this morning, started mixing up. He comes in and says "we removed the extractor fan so you need to brick it up and fill that in. We also removed the worktops and they were buried into the wall so you need to fill that in. (6m long) and if you have enough time we've took this radiator off so you can skim this wall for us" told him its going to cost more he said no you already gave me a price. So... tools in the van, see you later. Lol I'm not a slave. I'm running a business. Plasterers are already slaving away on low prices. But thinking they can add extra work on and not pay more is taking the piss! I would of spent an hour going to the closest B&Q for bricks, sand and cement. What do these people think we are?!?!? He did make a nice brew though.