Tiling onto plasterboard

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I need to re-board 2 walls around a bath in a bathroom. My question is, is it necessary to skim the plasterboards prior to tiling? or can I tile straight onto the plasterboard using waterproof adhesive etc?
you can tile straight on to plasterboard but personally id skim them first cos if u ever try taking them off in a few years etc ull destroy the boards etc
just give em a tight 1 coat
kemp is right, but if you are on a budget and dont know how to skim just tile straight over them
i know im right im highly knowledgeable me lol
Well actually if you are working to manufacturers spec you may be wrong if you are using a heavy tiles skimmed board can only take of the top of my head 20kg m2 of tile,addy and grout just tile straight on the board or use cement board for a better job.
All the jobs we have been doing lately they have been using something called hardy back boards and tiling straight onto it.
All the jobs we have been doing lately they have been using something called hardy back boards and tiling straight onto it.

about a tenna for a 4 x 3 sod that the a game of dommies!!!! you cant stick them on a wall either
you can, at least I have

mix up some flexible floor adhesive and dab em on

sorry, yes you can stick them, what i ment was ya not suppose to and if i was gonna stick them i wouldnt use tile adhesive id use some driwall. Saying that if it was just for a shower id just use normal boards
drywall isn't that strong really, that's why we used floor tile adhesive.

I wouldn't use normal boards for a shower. Every shower renovation job we get asked to do is due to the original board failing. Get it tanked or use the proper stuff - cement board. When showers fail the inevitable happens, water leaks downwards through ceilings, ceilings fail. It's a false economy in the long run.
Cement board shouldnt be dabbed but you can but do as Twatch says use Flexy and put a few fixings in after, plasterboard is OK but best to Tank it prior to tiling especialy if it an upstairs shower.
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