Tip Regarding Radiators

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For all you people that think you can plaster behind a radiator dont do it just take the bloody thing off or get the customer to do it!!!

Job i was doing today the customer didnt take the rad off and it was B%$^d of a job!!

Just though it may help for futur reference.

Oh dear mate sounds like you had a great time!! Cheers for the tip!
some times you can undo a little lift off brackets drop down on to a bucket then tighten up just have a old towel handy if you undo to much :)
i always say to em if its not off i can only get as far as i can with regards to my trowel and thats it nine times out of ten they normally take em off after saying that then its up to them
i just had 1 where i said the rad needs to be off. she rings me 7pm the day before i need to be there, saying, can u take it off for me. i said nope. think she got her neighbour in the end

i replastered my old house a few yrs back and when taking the rad off in the bedroom the pipe started leaking below the valve. i couldnt stop the fuck£r and was on my own. proper nightmare. water p1ssing through downstairs ceiling. i have never bothered with a rad since
I tell them it's got to come off, if they ask if I can do it I say no but I know a plumber who can for a price, they usually ask how much it'll cost? depending on the system the boys will take off put on for £40, I then charge the customer £60, or they can sort it themselves. ;)
Thats it ,if it leaks and youve touched it its down to you. You could turn a small wall into a new ceiling and replacement carpets at your cost. If you want to take it off get them to sign a disclaimer.
This post is 3 years old ;D
I bet Danny can whip his trowel around rads now no problems or even take em off ;)
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