today's job

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New Member
ben out today to start on a re-skim, i used a wickes stapler to put up beads- wicked bit of kit, still took ages to do as there is loads of fancy bits to bead on the window reveals!!! i pva'd the walls with a good thick mix prob about 50/50, let it dry and then started the skim. it was drying quick as hell, i had no windows open so no air flow, no heating on and not much direct sun light. how can i slow down the drying only did a smal fire place recess and dried too quick, relatively wet mix as i am on my own and give myself time to wash out my mixing bucket. really need it to dry slower as got loads left to do.

any suggestions would be great :'(

cheers al
Sounds as if the walls could of been doing with another coat of pva. Don't use cheap pva been caught out with that before we only use Evobond in the red tubs. Does the Wickes stapler puncture the beads or do you have to staple through the holes?
it can be the beads aswell sometimes peg b+q are softer than travis beads
Sounds as if the walls could of been doing with another coat of pva. Don't use cheap pva been caught out with that before we only use Evobond in the red tubs. Does the Wickes stapler puncture the beads or do you have to staple through the holes?

i just staple through the mesh holes on the bead, it was great, only 14 quid i used 12mm staples, any that stuck out a bit were tapped in. as for the pva i used screwfix 'no nonsense' stuff. may have to change to decent stuff then, where's best place to buy it and what sort of price?

cheers ;D
that 'plasterers high concentrate' stuff from jewsons is good stuff, bloody expensive though..
all depends on the background, if it sucks like new plaster it defo wants 2 coats, 1st one a bit thinner so it sucks in, let that dry then give it another one, let that go tacky then hit it...
You'll pick up speed with time, it's just practise that's all. In the mean-time save yourself a bit of running around by investing in a couple of gorilla tubs. Use one for the first mix and a fresh tub for your topping coat. Let the gear dry in the tubs once you've used them and then it generally tips out sandcastle styleeee! They are very easy to clean. Much better than trying to clean your bucket between mixes.... :)
save yourself a bit of running around by investing in a couple of gorilla tubs

I have a large flexi bucket (about 40L) but I think this may be a bit big, where do you get the medium sized ones from?
save yourself a bit of running around by investing in a couple of gorilla tubs

I have a large flexi bucket (about 40L) but I think this may be a bit big, where do you get the medium sized ones from?
Alright Steve28?

They used to do them everywhere but the only place I've seen them lately in the smaller size is Selco building merchants. They're bound to do them elswhere though if there's no Selco by you. I use the larger tub for first coat and the smaller tubs for topping coat. I have 6 or 7 of each in the back of my van!
you can get the little ones at smaller diy stores, markets, 'sell a bit of everything shops' can even get em in pink!!
builders merchants tend not to stock em cos most people buy a medium one or a large
focus have the smaller flexi tubs, come to think of it i saw some blue and red ones in asda last week
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