Tommy Walsh's latest money spinner

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Here's the fat b*****d teaching us the 'trade secrets' of plastering. Well not him exactly - some other geezer. Hey and whatdya know, you can buy all the tools there too :rolleyes)

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**** me he seems like a chancer him self!

how long does that take him???

why is he using water?surely on an area as small as that he not need water...... lol
looks like a 4 week plasterer wats with brushing the corners so many :RpS_crying: times no skim left on skrim thats wat the trowells 4 cutting s**t back off oppersit walls & laying corners back in tell hes a nonce cant hold 2 brushes & cant flick water on wall :RpS_laugh::RpS_laugh:
I broke my sprayer the other day so grabbed a cleaning solution bottle emptied it and used that, it was great the whole day smelt like lemons :)
LOL I did that the other day with a febreeze bottle smelt great. Few bubbles on the wall tho.

TBH Tommy Walsh earnin money from all angles. Even if he is shite gotta admire the cash comin in.
experienced plasterers use brushes spray bottels always pack up & produce 2 much fat when trwelling up only puffs use bottles :-0:RpS_lol:
sounds like the wall has gone off too much, trowel is making a fair old noise, probably why he is using 3 gallons or water to lash on the wall. useless b*****d , you never see him doing any work on his shows. landscape gardener.
yeah I don't get why he brushes his corners twice - is that a 'trade secret'?

And three wet trowels - that's over the top

and dunno if I heard right, but cross trowelling the next day?! It looked far too dry - what the ****'s a cross trowel gonna do when it's got proper dried out patches on it?
why the **** is he trowelling it a few hours later? if you want to polish it up you don't have to wait that long! **** me youd never make any money at that rate, coming back next day to finishing off a toilet ceiling.
maybe he was using a brand new trowel, like they always use new gear in these type of videos

notting new ive seen kids turn up on site with all new taking it out ov packing & start plastering one was ina cuboard under some stairs plastering with a cement trowell silly t**t stabed him self in the head with it pissed my self :RpS_laugh: never sore him again :RpS_thumbup:
Hey casper,

I got one of those pump up pressure ones... bit heavy at first but beats getting cramp

I think it gives a better finish as with a brush the water can get dirty quick and I hate putting dirty water on a wall
2 wash buckets 4 washing trowells when 1 starts 2 get dirty change 2 other 1 labour changes water spray bottles back & 4th cleaning trowells unless ur a octopus or ure nob is decstaress like an elephant 2 hold your brushes :RpS_laugh:
scrape your trowel before you wash it and the idea is to trowel any water off the wall you shouldnt use much anyway
scrape your trowel before you wash it and the idea is to trowel any water off the wall you shouldnt use much anyway

i scrape my trowel on top of the bucket on the rim.... but th guy i worked with didn't

@rendersystems might ask you a favour in a few weeks :-)
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