
Private Member
Don't know if it's been done before @Danny but watching poor old @theclemo trying to get his mug I thought maybe a good idea to do this at end of the year.
Could have different category's for say best advice, best new comer, best thread starter etc..
Sure loads of the regular posters can come up with more best award titles ?

Best photo backing clemo for a mug loyal support for another spread,best entrance onto plasterers forum ect surely I'd win,God I'm turning into clemo now just gotta stop going to work
For me nicest chap award would go to @theclemo, always on (as never at work), dont argue and know he's helped some people out from here with their real life work(y)
For me nicest chap award would go to @theclemo, always on (as never at work), dont argue and know he's helped some people out from here with their real life work(y)

Never at work lol. I'll have u know I did 4 days this week. I was offered a nice handy job for tomorrow skim 20 boards no beading just 2 walls €350 cash. i could do it in one hit. 350 not bad for half day. But I just told the bloke am not getting up tomorrow lol. But I did give him my mates number. My mate phoned me to say thanks and he will get me a few beers.
Knew there would be one lol ... I won't reply