just wondering when troweling up a wall, weather i should just trowel, just using the upwards movment, or should i use a up and downwards movment like on a ceiling.
I always like to trowel horizontally aswell on a wall to finish off - just a thought ? And depending what mood I'm in and if the customer's a good sort, will dry trowel aswell
1st coat. lay on vertically (with a twist at the top) smooth off horizontally.
2nd coat. same as above, trowel off vertically, and, same as pristine, if i like em and i've got time, dry trowel horizontally.
Having a sharp blade on your trowel makes a difference too, these 'broken in' ones are alright but you cant beat a trowel that has worn to your way of working, use one for doing renders only and it will turn into an exellent skimmer
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