Update on previous Fundraisers..


Private Member
For any new members reading this just to recap;. We have run a charity fundraiser on here for the past two years for a charity chosen by a forum member.

Both times small independent charities where 100% of the funds raised went directly to those who need it most.

The Fundraisers revolved around a raffle with loads of prizes generously donated by forum members.

Here are just a few of the threads:

The first was Richards Wish, a small family run charity that uses 100% of its donations to grant wishes for young terminally children and their siblings.

Update on previous Fundraisers..

Update on previous Fundraisers..

The second time around was for www.jollyjosh.co.uk . This charity was chosen by @JessThePlasterer and had a personal connection to the family behind this incredible new start up charity. Just like Richards Wish the charity was born from the tragic loss a child. A grief no parent should suffer.
Jolly Josh aim to support families with life limiting illness and special needs and had a huge boost from the funds you all raised on here.

Update on previous Fundraisers..

Update on previous Fundraisers..

These amazing families have shown strength and courage that I can't imagine after suffering such loss. Thank you to everyone that helped last time , too many to mention.

We will be starting another fundraiser over the next month so if your interested in winning some amazing (often totally unique , who could forget the erotic chess set or 100year old plastering invoice @imago or the antique Tysack @scottie5).

So before we start I'd just like to say thank you in advance , click on my profile and follow me to stay up to date with latest prizes.

These sort of events are not for everyone so I ask kindly if it's not for you then please don't post negative comments, instead block me to stop seeing my threads as I will be posting frequently :)
For any new members reading this just to recap;. We have run a charity fundraiser on here for the past two years for a charity chosen by a forum member.

Both times small independent charities where 100% of the funds raised went directly to those who need it most.

The Fundraisers revolved around a raffle with loads of prizes generously donated by forum members.

Here are just a few of the threads:

The first was Richards Wish, a small family run charity that uses 100% of its donations to grant wishes for young terminally children and their siblings.

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The second time around was for www.jollyjosh.co.uk . This charity was chosen by @JessThePlasterer and had a personal connection to the family behind this incredible new start up charity. Just like Richards Wish the charity was born from the tragic loss a child. A grief no parent should suffer.
Jolly Josh aim to support families with life limiting illness and special needs and had a huge boost from the funds you all raised on here.

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These amazing families have shown strength and courage that I can't imagine after suffering such loss. Thank you to everyone that helped last time , too many to mention.

We will be starting another fundraiser over the next month so if your interested in winning some amazing (often totally unique , who could forget the erotic chess set or 100year old plastering invoice @imago or the antique Tysack @scottie5).

So before we start I'd just like to say thank you in advance , click on my profile and follow me to stay up to date with latest prizes.

These sort of events are not for everyone so I ask kindly if it's not for you then please don't post negative comments, instead block me to stop seeing my threads as I will be posting frequently :)
nice one, look forward to it. I will have to see what i have to donate.
I've got a pony you can have, he's house trained ,show him the fridge , food and beer cupboards and he's pretty self sufficient
We'll have to meet up at some point @Olican as it's been a while and I also have your whisky to hand over. (y)

In the mean time I'll have a rummage and a think as to what weirdness can be provided. Maybe something a little easier/safer to trust Postman Pat with.

We'll have to meet up at some point @Olican as it's been a while and I also have your whisky to hand over. (y)

In the mean time I'll have a rummage and a think as to what weirdness can be provided. Maybe something a little easier/safer to trust Postman Pat with.

Yes mate , been too long. Must sort something out soon (y)