using sbr prior to scratch coat n stucco finish

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New Member
Hi guys need some help
What mix and application for sbr on dry bricks
Job hacked off n ready to go,
I've been told to dampen walls to get the suction
Down then apply sbr n water 3-1
Then 3-1 sbr n water plus s+c 3-1 with splatter gun
Then whilst still tacky apply scratch coat 3-1with waterproofer
Leave for a week to cure then apply top coat 4-1 with feb and
Half shovel of lime,does this sound ok or can I scratch coat
Following day after the sbr work, all help very appreciated thanks
Scratch coat four to one with wp,float coat 5/1/1 ,I normally just put half bag of OPc in full mixer with sand and two shovels of lime, ps two handfuls of fibres in each mix for the scratch
Thanx for replying guys
Would u bother with the sbr slurry or not?
Fibres in the scratch coat would that help the
Adhesion with top coat.
With the weather warm as it is right now
I'd be working my way round in the shade
Would two shovels of lime be too much?
I normally do 4-1 scratch with freeflo
Then 4 1/2 to 1 with half to full shovel of lime
With feb, but I've had the odd hollow spot
Which is very annoying
Why did u change to the 3-1 scratch and 4-1 top ? If thats the case mate ? Hollow spots ? Surely would still be hollow with what ever gear you use ?
Thanx for replying guys
Would u bother with the sbr slurry or not?
Fibres in the scratch coat would that help the
Adhesion with top coat.
With the weather warm as it is right now
I'd be working my way round in the shade
Would two shovels of lime be too much?
I normally do 4-1 scratch with freeflo
Then 4 1/2 to 1 with half to full shovel of lime
With feb, but I've had the odd hollow spot
Which is very annoying
Sbr slurry is a definite help, whether it's always needed is upto the applicator
fibres help to prevent cracking, I only use for the scratch,
if two shovels were too muchh,would I have said two shovels, others differ ..
Why did u change to the 3-1 scratch and 4-1 top ? If thats the case mate ? Hollow spots ? Surely would still be hollow with what ever gear you use ?

I didn't change to that mix
I had the odd hollow with the 4-1 scratch n 4 1/2 top coat
Top coat with the odd hollow patch the scratch coat
Bonded well to the brick
Sbr slurry is a definite help, whether it's always needed is upto the applicator
fibres help to prevent cracking, I only use for the scratch,
if two shovels were too muchh,would I have said two shovels, others differ ..

dude ever tried plastering fibres in the top coat ? neither have i :RpS_wink:, and dont tell anyone else , epec the guy who dont know how to clean his handhawk.
I didn't change to that mix
I had the odd hollow with the 4-1 scratch n 4 1/2 top coat
Top coat with the odd hollow patch the scratch coat
Bonded well to the brick

Maybe they were both more of the 4-1 side of things and that made it hollow i would of topped it with 5-1 , even 5-1-1 with lime added really . Make sure ur scratches are deep enough also
now gauges are making hollows :RpS_thumbsup: com on , is it just me , is it you again lee ? tell me it is
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