wallpapered ceiling

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New Member
Evening guys and gals - after finding what you lot do with wallpapered ceilings I.e what do you do to the ceiling after wallpaper removed - I usually recommend to my customers to sugar soap the ceiling before I plaster it - what's your thoughts
Bit tricky over boarding flynnyman as coving in place - don't really want to take that down and board just to plaster ceiling
Try to get them to remove as much paste as possible before you grit, microgobetis does not like it thet much but betakontakt does no affect it too much. Pva is s**t!
Is there coving up? If not, and you can make out bulges/cracks then leave paper and overboard. If there's coving and is staying, then overboard is tricky. Paper off, screw and scrim joints, pva, pregrit and skim or unifinish if not too dry. I tell customer that re-screwing of joists and tape gives 50/50 chance of no cracks again.I then tell them to use crack-free ceilings paint (polycell) if they do re-appear. All this goes in writing on the quote as they're some idiots out there thinking your plastering can defy the laws of physics and joist movement.
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