waterproofer & plasticiser

  • Thread starter Thread starter mrspoon
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what brand waterproofer and plasticiser do you recommend ??? and which ones should i avoid?
always used travis stuff and never had probs mate but apparently sovereign gears very good
very rarely use waterproofer but use jewsons own plasticiser, i think they're all much of a muchness mate.
cheers for that chaps, i was thinking of tryin the Sika stuff from b&q, any experience with them?
how come you dont use waterproofer pug? thought it was essential for the scratch coat?

one thing that threw me completely.. the Sika stuff says on the bottle something along the lines of 8-12ml per 20 litres of water then says something about 50ml per 25kg of cement... shall i just not get myself confused with the ratio per cement... and just add about 10ml to 20 litres of water and keep that ratio the same... ???

i know this sounds quite ameteurish, but at college we never use waterproofer cos its going to be knocked off in a few weeks anyway, and we always use hydrated lime.
I like using sovereign for damp work ,dashing and when using white cement when pargeting you can just trust it but any bog standard rendering feb and ever build are ok
ive read another post on here that someones used feb and never had problems but the jewsons own stuff caused probs.

ive had a quick butchers and that sovereign stuff just seems to come in bulk supply, i only need a small ammount as the rendering jobs i have to do are only small... will deff keep it in mind tho for when i actually have some meterage do do 8)
cheers for that church, just threw me as to whether i should be guaging it with the water ratio or the cement, thought it meant both... and 20 litres of water per 25kg of cement didnt add up at all :o
give it a stir if the buckets been sat for a while ........as for amounts you should read the tub but if youre struggling use a coffee cup per builders bucket so youre using the same amount each time
will give the bucket a good stir before adding to the mix, coffee cup will be too much for the stuff im thinking of usin "Sika" is the brand and well concentrated compaired to the big litre tubs ive seen knocking about on shelves, more expensive but seems to go alot further, infact i think i'll get some and try it out at college before using it on a job 8)
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