Waterproofing job

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Private Member
Been given a sika waterproofing job to price. 400m2 Walls (combiflex - spritz - render -finish) and 600m2 screed 30mm. Anyone got any experience pricing this type of work? Done tons of this stuff but day work and employed so not sure what sort of figures I should be playin with.

Cheers - mark.
It all depends on the job mate, and the spec that you have been provided, way too many parameters to be able to give any indication of prices, work out how long you think it will take you , then how much you want to earn per day (or pay your labour per day) + any costs (mats, fuel, consumables etc etc)+ what profit you want for your company , then divide by the time you think its gonna take you to complete (don't forget to throw in a bit of contingency money) ;)
warriorupnorth said:
It all depends on the job mate, and the spec that you have been provided, way too many parameters to be able to give any indication of prices, work out how long you think it will take you , then how much you want to earn per day (or pay your labour per day) + any costs (mats, fuel, consumables etc etc)+ what profit you want for your company , then divide by the time you think its gonna take you to complete (don't forget to throw in a bit of contingency money) ;)

Yeah, bit vague i know. i was just wondering if there was some sort of metreage rate. Good advice though i'll bear it in mind. Thanks warrior! 8)
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