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New Member
Hello Fellas,

Just a quick one. How long do you have to leave WBA before skimming?

I have used it in the past and always did it the night before, but im sure I read on here that some people leave it a couple of hours.

Is this about right? I have got a ceiling to do that looks to glossy for PVA.

At least 2 hours depending on room temp and what your put it onto. Instructions are one the tub. good stuff but dearer than diesel.
Yes let it dry for a least 2 hours better still skim the next day.
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Good idea with the PVA and sand together, great for the key, difference with the bonding agents is they are silicone based which minimizes cracking compared to PVA, and when the WBA, bond it etc is dry they are completly sealed and suction is equalised throughout. The bonding agents also cope better when in contact with moisture!!
i just use it coz im a gypo but yeah just 50/50 the pva, couple of handfuls of sand and roll it on. when its dry its the same to skim on. probably not as good as wba but its handy when uv only got pva in the van.
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