weekend rates

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Private Member
i work alot of weekends and charge the same, as if it were a week day, how do you charge for weekend
i only do work for myself on weekends and i still class weekend work as overtime so i try to charge a decent amount , if i was solely working for myself i dont know to be honest because if youre booking work in it would be tricky to know which job will land on the weekend ..............i suppose it all depends on how much you want the job witch would probably relate to all youre work you price, do you want to take the kids out or do a job for an extra 100 quid??.........or do you need the money and dont have a choice?...............but then being self employed you can take the kids out mid week and work a saturday to make up for it ............if you had lads working for you however they wont get out of bed for the same money so you would need to charge for it as you dont want to lose out
I only work weekends when i have to and dont realy change my rate. Unless temted by a huge sum of money which never realy happens well often that is ;)
i just charge whatever the job is whatever day i end up doin it on, if im busy its a hard week, if im quiet and i can only get in to do it on a saturday im grateful for the work anyway...
besides, the pubs are a lot quieter during the week :D
sundays are generally pretty short days..i.e. i dont get there till post hangover and end up leavin after one set to get hope for dinner... ;)
when i learnt to skim i used to charge 100 per day sat and sun and base my day around 3 sets ............i was stacked! i dont think ive ever been as busy ;D, it was a good learning curve though (learning to charge more!) but i did get a bit peed off finishing at 6! ..............we do need a day of rest though i went 3 weeks without a break and ended up taking two days off, the body can only take so much :D
im happy to work on a saturday for the same rate, days work a days work take the good times with the bad.
i still do cahrge £100 a day (cash) and do sat and sunday and do 3 sets a day...
i am f**k*d! some times the work gets a lil slap dash witch onlyh makes me more stressed!

but im 21...got 2 kids a morgage..just put a £6,000 cash bid ona vivaro

guess it depend on wot u want in life..

spead i was with the other day would never do more than 1 wall..never do a celling on his own...but was only makeing £60 a day..sayes it all..
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