Wet dash on red brick ( blown)

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Hi Guys, looking for a few suggestions on this, I'm taking off old wet dash on a gable as its blown and cracked, The brick behind it is the old red brick, taking the wet dash off has taken the face off the red exposing the black of the brick, The wall is soaking due to water getting in behind.
First idea was to wash off all the dust off then Pva but as the bricks aren't in good shape I have doubts that it's going to hold when wet dashing it?
Any suggestions ? Mesh it?
Sbr slurry the bricks Wilst still wet apply your scratch/dubbing coat keep the pva for your over skims
As Ivor said sbr slurry then apply scratch whilst still tacky then mesh the fooker gor peice of mind,always mesh now on hack off jobs for added security..
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