What do you think?

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what's wrong with the one we got? maybe change the brick trowel - havent' we been here before?

TPF? Dunno if that works. Ah yeah the tooting popular front!
The aim with the logo is to have an image which can be branded and recognised :-) hence the boxes..... need to get this sorted so I can push on and promote the site some more... lots of things planned for the coming months :-)
yeah I have been here for about 6 years with the logo...lol

The thing with the boxes is it will be needed with out the righting to the right for a few things I have planned in the future :-)
i prefere the tpf in white rather than green, with the green it sort of blends into the rest of the logo too much. dnt thake it personally but im not a big fan of the green, but i hate the colour always have, is there anymore other colours that willl work with the blue better
The green and blue combo kinder has to stay... bit like coca cola and red :-(

The green text has gone as I do not like that now... white is cleaner :-)

yeah and t shitrs for all active members:RpS_laugh:.......you know promote the site wen were out on site:RpS_sneaky:.
fair comment bout the green master dan then stay it shall
yup I am working on some merchandise :-)

got a meeting tomorrow for some car window stickers and goingt o look at getting some prices for some other bits and bobs :-)
yup I am working on some merchandise :-)

got a meeting tomorrow for some car window stickers and goingt o look at getting some prices for some other bits and bobs :-)

Do us with websites from you get freebies :RpS_wink:
mabey it cold come up with the poofters forum the fourm for people that like to spread
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