What should I charge

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Alright chaps,

I hate the threads asking how much I should charge for this and that but just out of interest (and I know it varies from area to area ) how much you all charge for say a reasonable sized bedroom - 4 walls and a ceiling that all need 2 coats of PVA - straightforward skim, no remedial work needed

I used to charge 90 quid a wall so I was reckoning on £450 all in - Whaddya reckon - too steep or about right ??
£450 - £500

We did one on saturday charged £480 I think, done by 3... then straight to another job...lol

cash i'd be very happy to get 300
200 labour
the rest on materials inc dustsheets
weekend job i did was 300 quid INCLUDING coving...
all materials were left over though, besides the gypbond...
and it was cash..
and they were a nice old couple 2 streets away...
would take me 2 days but thats cos im fairly new to it all and dont wanna rush and mess it up, tho having said that... if its straight in no messing around... PVA the whole lot, stick beads round window, skim ceiling and 2 walls in one go then do the 2 remainding walls in the afternoon im sure id be able to do that no probs, just having the confidence to go ahead and do it i guess! dont wanna get caught out, ah well im getting there
this is where it winds me up where alot of lads say how much shall i charge for this etc .........you cant pick up a trowel and go and charge 200 a day you have to look at youre own ability for youre own sake as a decent spread could charge the going rate and do it in half the time ...............
The one we did on sat started at 8 finished by 3 that was 4 walls and the lid.

All materials paid for by the agency the week previous...lol

ah well if the jobs only worth 200 quid then ill charge them 200 even if it takes me 2 days, my loss. customers know im relatively new and im honest when i tell them how long it will take, never had any complaints and i dont intend to 8-)
Oh yes, I agree, I try not to tell customers how long it will take only if they ask my answer is normally quite vague...lol

Some jobs I have fecked the prices up and done 2 days for no money but you learn very quick!

i found it hard at first to know how long jobs will take me but im much better now, i took the honest route and if im asked i tell customers exactly how long ive been plastering and what experience i have and never had a prob, i dont advertise other than on my van and all my work is from friends family neighbours recommendations etc so still doing odd walls and the odd extension etc, not quite ready to get out there advertising fully untill i know i can go to a job leave a proffesional finish and get it done in the same sort of timescale as a more experienced spread can
That is a good sensible way to start, a business needs to be built on good foundations otherwise it will crumble.

exactly, tho i understand many people go out and get stuck in feet first but last thing i want to do is rush, still got a year of college to go and i work part time so money isn't an issue, better take my time and do it right i guess 8-)
Taking your time and getting it correct is definitely the right philosophy however if the average office joe with no experience earns between £60 and £110 a day with no training or experience, don’t you think we all deserve to be paid a bit more than that. After all we’re skilled technicians / professionals  ;) 2 days work definately between £400 and £500. Plastering is an art, don't underestimate what you do!  8-)
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