What the hell am I gonna do!!

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I did a conservatory for a firm thats now going under....they promised me the money

The guy said he will pay me and today he sent me this

Hi Danny

Just looked up your invoice and was quite surprised that you were
charging £150 per day for your labour rate. We have used other
plasterers, all of them are older, more experienced, do a better job and
there charges haven't exceeded £120 per day , and if you haven't
registered a sub contractors card with us we must deduct 18% by law.
Would you please revise your bill to be more realistic. Maybe this is
why it didn't get passed to me in the first place.
I still intend to keep my word and pay you £50 per week until the agreed
sum has been cleared. ( We do need to agree that sum though and have a
more realistic invoice )

Regards Ray

I ahve been back to the house and done loads of extra work for the customer direct so I know the job was perfect!

I am fuming!!

bloody hell mate dont know wot to say or advise .... seems as though he,s trying to pull a bit of cash back for his company at your expense ... i take it he knew wot your rate was b4 you agreed to work for him ???
Take what you are offered lick your wounds and move on thats what say (just get the££££££)
In these situations you gotta take what you can get mate just learn from the experiance and not work for him again but you can never say never in this game theres loads of um out there trying to rip us off :(
wtf if he agreed to those rates at the start then what gives him the right to change it when he wnts cuunt
Sounds like a t**t mate.Its 20% he'd need to deduct but if he wants to take the tax off you get a cheque off him not cash that way he'll have to pay the tax he's taken off you having said that if he offerd cash i'd take it in case he stops the cheque! sounds like he's knocking you down to 120 less 20% =108 and he'll pay you cash saving him 42 a day
ask him for his receivers details ! when you get them you can apply to them to get your money, once that is done go and knock the w****er out. ;D.
wonder why there going under ;D what happened to there other plasterer that was so old and good,cant believe there that bothered about £30 difference,tell ya one thing mate id be knocking at his door giving him some f*cking hassle,had this prob when i first started on my own soon work out the good from the bad and how to sort it,get round there mate and get ya money you earned it
Ask him how much he allowed for the the plastering when he priced the job and ask him for that, 18% was a year or so ago its 20% now any way so i dont know if these letters are already mate out to:-- Joiners/electricians/fitters etc knowing he was going to knock em all ask the other trades if theve recieved something similar
Try and find out if the customer has paid him?

If not give them a sod sorry and try and cut him out you could even offer them a discount it would be a good way to piss him off
do you have anything in writing that you would be working for £150 per day?
Nah I dont have anything in writing.

I not taking the pay cut either, I am off to bang on his door tomorrow.

the customer has paid up £10k and knocked windowcraft for £2k.

When you say find his receiver details what do you mean?

That job was a pucker one as well I was well chuffed with it.

Sounds like a t**t mate.Its 20% he'd need to deduct but if he wants to take the tax off you get a cheque off him not cash that way he'll have to pay the tax he's taken off you having said that if he offerd cash i'd take it in case he stops the cheque! sounds like he's knocking you down to 120 less 20% =108 and he'll pay you cash saving him 42 a day

its actually £96 a day
Nah I dont have anything in writing.

I not taking the pay cut either, I am off to bang on his door tomorrow.

the customer has paid up £10k and knocked windowcraft for £2k.

When you say find his receiver details what do you mean?

That job was a pucker one as well I was well chuffed with it.


Theres your answer danny they have knocked him so in turn he is trying to do the same, first of danny as you say go and see the guy in person stand your ground and see where that goes, then go back to the customer explain whats happened and try and get paid via them as that is where the problem started after all they have 2k still so you might be on to a winner there especially if you have done more work for them. good luck Danny
dan good on ya mate go get ya money,f*ck what hes owd thats between him and his customer, i wouldnt even get them involved especially if your getting plenty of work of them.do you know why they still ow him 2k or did the company go bust while the job was still in progress
"We have used other
plasterers, all of them are older, more experienced, do a better job"

so why on earth did he pick you? :-?

id be taking this straight to the small claims court if you dont get what your owed, armed with a statement from the client saying how delighted she is with the quality of your work :)
dan good on ya mate go get ya money,f*ck what hes owd thats between him and his customer, i wouldnt even get them involved especially if your getting plenty of work of them.do you know why they still ow him 2k or did the company go bust while the job was still in progress

The customer has become involved by with holding money, 2k is alot to hold back, as a result danny has been knocked if he has a good relationship with the customer that is where to get your money
Go and speak to him and ask him what would cost more pay you or to respray his car

Always a thought?

Or tie him to a chair and take a lump hammer to his toes l bet you don't get past piggy number two before he agrees to pay

Or is that abit extreme?
so hes paying youre tax bill..............and who says he's going to pocket the 20 % himself?.....surely you sort youre own taxes
as for the i get plasterers to charge me blah blah youve done the fookin job and he agreed in the first place ......people like this keep there own profit margin and we end up getting shafted, i'd write him a letter explaining youre responsible for youre own tax payments and invoice him the rest of the bill ....this isnt fookin ebay!!
Would also be fuming m8...you may have a problem if it wasn't agreed in writing. I hate the way some builders etc use that bullsh*t oh well we were surprised at your price we've used older more experienced better quality etc pisses me right off at the end of the day 99% chance they used u because u were cheaper and better quality. I'd turn round to him and say...well actually i usually charge between 180 and 250 thats what c&e expect builders to be earning a day.

Don't get involved in email ping pong m8 go and see him face to face. Tell him you had a verbal agreement and you have stuck to your side and expect him to stick to his. Take him a fresh copy of the invoice minus what hes paid you so far...and the money owed with your payment terms clearly stated e.g. payment within 14 days and t&cs attached and don't reduce your dayrate 150 is what u agreed thats what u get.

I don't know what u use for terms m8 but i've got a section 'disputes' which clearly outlines further action if payment is not received.

Wouldn't approach the customer...could get nasty.

Good luck
if your working for him for the first time he gets your utr number and rings the anthrax man he tells them what persent to deduct either 20% or 30 % depending on your last few returns so frankly hes taking the piss and wants to pay you as little as he can
I am gonna see the customer as I have done work for them and just get them to sign that they are happy with the conservatory.

I posted this letter through the guys house tonight.

Mr Ray Harvey,

I am giving you till 4 o’clock Friday the 28th November to pay in full the £440 owed on invoice attached in this email. You will not be deducting 18% as I don’t believe the tax office will receive it. My accountant sorts all my tax out and this is how it is going to be.

As far as working for £120 a day that was not agreed, I spoke to Emma your receptionist and she told me that you pay £150 a day. I wouldn’t get out of bed for anything less. As the comment and I quote "We have used other plasterers, all of them are older, more experienced, do a better job and there charges haven't exceeded £120 per day". The job was done to a very high standard as is all my work. You even told me on the phone you were very happy.

I have since been back to the conservatory and done extra work for the customer and this is a sheer sign that they are happy with the workmanship. I understand they knocked you for £2k but that was due to problems with screeding and the time it took to complete, it had nothing to do with the plastering.

I have given you enough opportunities to pay and I have even offered a repayment plan but you have thrown it all back in my face. So now I have only one option and that is to take the matter to court.

No one likes taking people to court but in this case it has to be done. I have spoken to my solicitor and it looks like it could end up costing you a lot more money in the long run as I will be entitled to loss of interest and costs but that is the decision and you have left me no other choice.

So once again you have till 4 o’clock 27th November to pay £440 in full or the court papers will be filled in a posted.

Kindest Regards

Daniel Cutts
DVC Plastering

Lets just see, I am not going to let this happen!
i reckon they will pay up after that danny.......personaly i would of gone round there screaming and shouting myself alot less proffesional, but alot more satisfin. good luck

You have not seen the size of my old plasterer, he is huge he is coming round with me tomorrow..... I reckon I will get my money.

I will keep you updated

is it the 27th or 28th make your mind up ;D ;D
I am gonna see the customer as I have done work for them and just get them to sign that they are happy with the conservatory.

I posted this letter through the guys house tonight.

Mr Ray Harvey,

I am giving you till 4 o’clock Friday the 28th November to pay in full the £440 owed on invoice attached in this email. You will not be deducting 18% as I don’t believe the tax office will receive it. My accountant sorts all my tax out and this is how it is going to be.

As far as working for £120 a day that was not agreed, I spoke to Emma your receptionist and she told me that you pay £150 a day. I wouldn’t get out of bed for anything less. As the comment and I quote "We have used other plasterers, all of them are older, more experienced, do a better job and there charges haven't exceeded £120 per day". The job was done to a very high standard as is all my work. You even told me on the phone you were very happy.

I have since been back to the conservatory and done extra work for the customer and this is a sheer sign that they are happy with the workmanship. I understand they knocked you for £2k but that was due to problems with screeding and the time it took to complete, it had nothing to do with the plastering.

I have given you enough opportunities to pay and I have even offered a repayment plan but you have thrown it all back in my face. So now I have only one option and that is to take the matter to court.

No one likes taking people to court but in this case it has to be done. I have spoken to my solicitor and it looks like it could end up costing you a lot more money in the long run as I will be entitled to loss of interest and costs but that is the decision and you have left me no other choice.

So once again you have till 4 o’clock 27th November to pay £440 in full or the court papers will be filled in a posted.

Kindest Regards

Daniel Cutts
DVC Plastering

Lets just see, I am not going to let this happen!
Customer signed the statement that she was happy with the work and did not make any complaints.

So lets just see

Sounds like a t**t mate.Its 20% he'd need to deduct but if he wants to take the tax off you get a cheque off him not cash that way he'll have to pay the tax he's taken off you having said that if he offerd cash i'd take it in case he stops the cheque! sounds like he's knocking you down to 120 less 20% =108 and he'll pay you cash saving him 42 a day

its actually £96 a day
your right my maths is terrible i'm tired i need a rest!
OK so went round at 16:15 today knocked on the door and his wife opened it so I told her to get ray and pretty much ripped into her while Danny (my spread) was stood at the bottom of the drive. so a lot of argueing goes by and my phone rings, its my uncle (he knows the window guy) he said police have been called....lol So i start to get in my van and my unc explains to me that the money will be paid to him over 3 weeks.... providing I dont go near them or their company. and that I am not to get heavy again.

I then said that if one payment is missed then I will be round round to extract it at any cost......ha ha

so I get home and ray sent me this email at 10 this morning


You took advantage of Emma - she knows nothing about the building trade
- and I've been in it for 30 years - and I am an accountant by trade
serving with John Laing Constructions for 5 years.

I never said that your work was bad ( your work is average, don't kid
yourself ) - just that others were better.

Where was the thanks for you getting further works off our job ????

I'm happy to pay you 120 cash per day - loose the invoice.

As far as I am concerned you have ripped the company off ( not me
personally )

If this is agreeable ( £365 cash ) 1'll drop stage payments into Gavin
over the next 3 weeks to clear the debt on behalf of the company.



Ha ha so the first payment is next week


Ps man i was angry


To From

For works carried out:


X Amount of days £xx. 00

Price work £xx.50

Matirials £xx.00

TOTAL £Xxx.50

Expences £x?.00

make payment to: d----- plastering servises (exsample)

Please make payment within 28 days. as verbaly agreed on site.

yours faithfully.

D------plastering services
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