what was the weight of the bags before 25kg

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Well-Known Member
I have a vauge memory of telling some labourer wtf when seeing these wee bags some time in the 90's. What I dont remember is seeing any weight printed on the old bags. Mind I would've loved those bags back in early 80's
I remember 50kg bonding and cement. The bonding bags were massive. Cant remember if the finish bags were 50kg aswell?
Was it h&s that brought in the 25 kg??
When we emptied the old yard a cople of years ago I found a 50kg bag of cement..lol...think it was out of date tho..fookin solid.
When I was younger I was working away darn sart & one of the lads nicknamed me carlite, because where we stopped in the pub digs they had some old scales in the bog & everyone weighed themselves & I was about 55kg ish & one lad said ffs your just over the weight of a bag of carlite lol, so it stuck, unlike my plastering at the time :D
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