When you buy tools online, what is your opinion about -

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VAT and post and packaging?

Do you feel its just one of them necassary evils, or does it plss you off?
If you know what you want you can generally get a good deal online, cheaper than in store and saves your shoe leather and diesel! Win, win the tool comes to you!
I'm vat registered so I get it back, and generally if you spend over £100 the carriage is free. Affects me not!
I do buy quite a lot online but if it's only a matter of a few quid, i'd rather support my local small businesses.
i love paying vat and packaging really makes my day ???..........why are you going to knock it off ???
nelly said:
VAT and post and packaging?

Do you feel its just one of them necassary evils, or does it plss you off?

its just another tax made up by the government blaa blaa blaa get over it for f**k sake :)
I nearly always buy my tools online as its hard to get decent ones in the likes of b and skew and they are always over priced... im vat registered also so doesn't affect me also anyone in business should claim the postage back whether vat registered or not as its an expence...
I just purchased 1000 condoms from the net at a good price, i have 2 kids and third will arrive anytime soon,was thinking i could put it through the books as protective clothing PPE.
skimmin2day said:
I just purchased 1000 condoms from the net at a good price, i have 2 kids and third will arrive anytime soon,was thinking i could put it through the books as protective clothing PPE.

Only if they glow in the dark :)
One thing i will say is if you buy from Ebay becarefull.in the past i bought batterys for dewalt drill that were duf,i bought a mixer with f**k ed bearings,a tyzack 11 inch trowel was supposed to be worn in and new not toattaly wa n k e r e d,but ive had a few good bargains too.Just be carefull and ask questions!!!
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