White bits in browning

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New Member
I was applying a second coat of browning to my wall when I noticed a scratching noise and that 3 mil pock marks were appearing all across my plaster. On closer inspection of the mix I found small roundish white grit... up to approx 4mil in width... Any ideas what could have got this into my mix?

Thanks very much!
have you let the first coat dry out first and then gone on top without sealing it properly? if so, it would suck like whore and make a rice crispie sound .......
I was applying a second coat of browning to my wall when I noticed a scratching noise and that 3 mil pock marks were appearing all across my plaster. On closer inspection of the mix I found small roundish white grit... up to approx 4mil in width... Any ideas what could have got this into my mix?

Thanks very much!
Could the white bits be spunk was she a sexy customer strange things happen
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