who makes the best trowel/s these days

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Mt, tyzack, refina, nela, kraft sure there is loads more

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Did anyone use the old ragni trowels back in the day with the black handles, they were pretty good when broken in. Goldblatt were good too can't seem to get hold of them these days
Did anyone use the old ragni trowels back in the day with the black handles, they were pretty good when broken in. Goldblatt were good too can't seem to get hold of them these days

I agree the ragni was a good trowel. Still got mine but it's demoted to floor scraper now they are bullet proof.
who makes the best trowel/s these days

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MT carbon my favourite.One that has'nt been mentioned is Curry which is very popular in the states and is a great trowel.
Used MT for years and jumped ship and got a Refina plastercraft trowel last year to see how they fared. It's brilliant.

Only gripe, I got the leather handle and kinda wish I went for the cork one. The leather is useless when wet.
Do u rate the speedskim I fancy buying a set to go with my Putz EZE spats just incase incase i need them can never have enough tools
I've never used a speedskim or Putz spat so can't comment.As regards trowels a good skimming trowel and a trowel for sand and cement that will eventually become a skimming trowel is all you need.
Yeah I really rate the speedskim its a great piece of kit, i've never used an eze spat but I think its pretty much the same idea as a speedskim so probably would be no need to have both. Someone might correct me tho
I love the cork handles of Nela :D But i do still use my well worn MT trowel to lay on but I dont do enough these days to break in another trowel :D
Yeah I really rate the speedskim its a great piece of kit, i've never used an eze spat but I think its pretty much the same idea as a speedskim so probably would be no need to have both. Someone might correct me tho
from what I've read the only difference is u can finish with the eze spat
you can finish with the blue blade but i have never tried :D there is a steel bladed one as well that you can finish with :D
sorry disagree I would not attempt to finish with the speedskim surely it's got no backbone for troweling up
Like I said I've never tried it but I'm sure I saw it on their website that you can finish with the blue blade.
After I put on with and laid in second coat with mt if on boards will do all my flattening and final trowel with blue plastic..as long as corners are bent back you will be fine.. around sockets or light cables use mt to quickly tidy round them but will get to final finish with blue blade
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