who uses spot boards

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New Member
just wondering who uses spotboards a personally just take my mix straight from the bucket with a bucket trowel cos a think there a waste of time n take space up :P
Depends on the job. If I'm on stilts or don't have room I use a bucket but if there's space I prefer a board.
i'll use a spot for bigger stuff i just find it so much quicker one swipe off the spot rather than putting your trowel in your hawk hand and taking 2 scoops out the bucket.Cleaner as well the bucket trowel handle always end up covered in plaster.
there is a bit of an art to it, i usually keep one corner of the hawk clean and sit the trowel handle on it, blade across hawk, bucket trowel hooked/balanced on side of bucket...nothin worse for me than trowel handles full of plaster, it gets all over the hand then i cant control the trowel proper yuck...
thing is, a board stops you havin to bend down every time, so to combat that what ive started doin, seein as i got a bad back is to sit the bucket on a crate or a hop up...
now im on my knees doin skirtin level upwards, sort of shufflin along, theyre gonna be the next to go then ill need a bloody skateboard!!
Spotboard everytimits possible, even got 2 different sizes to suit job or space. Getting your stuff out of a buckets surely got to be a slower job than just tipping it on the board in the 1st place.
I us espot board every time

Pain in the ass out the bucket!!

Trowel handles that are wet annoy me.. I carry a towel now that I tuck in my belt to use.

I've always used a bucket but was thinking of trying a spot board, but was wondering do you need to make the mix a bit thicker to stop it sloping off the board and does it dry out quicker
Yeah basically it depends on the size of the job but spot boards whenever possible, mixes always seem to go off way too quickly in buckets for my liking!
Use spot for roughing and sand and cement and straight out the bucket with skimming found it alot easier that way since we started doing 5 to 6 bag sets harder to lift onto a spot board and easier to scoop straight out with bucket trowel
i got two spot boards a large one for when im doing whole rooms and a smaller one for tight spaces such as landings >:( made this from one of them cheap workmates u get for bout £7 then screwed bit of ply on top works gr8 and folds up as well ;)
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